(31) 3551-2244 SHORT OUR PAGE Street Dr. Alfredo Baeta, Nº 16
Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil
CEP: 35400-000
Ouro Preto, heritage of humanity and the capital of Colonial Brazil. Installed in an eighteenth century mansion, Hotel Luxor Ouro Preto integrates this atmosphere of art and history, offering elegance and comfort, the best of local hospitality.
Luxor Ouro Preto Pousada is located in the historic city center, Rua Dr. Alfredo Baeta, number 16, next to Praça Tiradentes and beside the Church Our Lady of the Conception.
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Visit Ouro Preto on special dates such as Carnival, Holy Week, Tiradentes Day, Labour Day and Corpus Christi.

In any season, Ouro Preto holds great emotion and many attractions for you.      Come see this beautiful city.

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